A blog within a blog1 With this entry, I am deviating from my original blog, which has long lain dormant. I intend to write a few posts on the Norbert…
Entry 5 New Topic: My Birth and My Forebears I was born in Rambouillet on November 13 1939. Why Rambouillet? My parents were living in Paris. World War II had…
You and I are universes. I’ll explain. The universe of cosmology is made up of stars and planets and gas and black holes and “dark matter” and “dark energy”. It…
Looked at another way, the whole history of the universe leads to my birth. If the big bang, 13.77 billion years ago, had been slightly different, I wouldn’t be here.…
I’m starting this blog without knowing what I want to write or for whom I am writing. My initial purpose is to think some things through for myself. The blog…